Hello gang, and welcome to another post on my blog. Today we'll be celebrating somebody's birthday. Whose you may ask? Well, his great-great grandchildren are sitting right in front of you? Give up? It's ENIAC or the Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer or Ol' Uncle Eenie. Yes on this day in 1947 the Army Ballistics Division switched on Ol' Uncle Eenie and it was in continuous operation until 1955. The ENIAC increased processing speeds by 1,000 creating the largest processing speed increase in history. The title remains unchallenged.
If you want the official in depth version of the story of what the press referred to as a "Giant Brain" click here but if you wanna play a game of guess which facts I throw out are true or false then continue!!!
1. ENIAC was the size of a whole Apartment Block.
2. ENIAC was first tested by doing calculations on the atom bomb.
3. FDR had high hopes that ENIAC would help him walking again.
4. ENIAC was staffed almost entirely by smokin hot babes.
5. ENIAC had problems with transistor tubes blowing every 15 minutes
6. The decision to shut down the computer was made after the Army realized ENIAC became self-aware
7. The film the Matrix is loosely based on ENIAC's story.
8. ENIAC was made in Maryland by a bunch of nerds.
9. ENIAC is alive in a bunker in Colorado secretly controlling the internet.
1. True, it was huge! 2. True also! 3. FDR didn't even know what a computer was so FalseDR! 4. True true and true 5. No actually it was very reliable and only had transistors blow out every couple of days. 6. False 7. Only if you watch the film backwards 8. False, Pennsylvania, though true on the nerd part 9. False... or is it?
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