Salutations curious internet wanderer, and welcome to my first blog post. As per the request of Professor Zuegner I am going to tackle 3 other blogs in this post an talk about what post I read, what I learned from it and whether or not I can find a food to correspond to it. (I made the last qualification up but I'm sticking to it)
This will be our first blog of the day. The stately and humorous "Good Evening" by John Hodgman, author of Areas of My Expertise and More Information Than You Require, but you probably know him best as the PC guy from those Mac commercials. Read a book.
Anyway, in this post he posts a photo of a sketch of musician Jonathan Coultan (here's his best work http://bit.ly/UQZQ). He also discusses what constitutes a true Chili Burger. I commented with my own idea of what constitutes a chili burger. I enjoy his blog because it gives me a peak into the lives of writers, singers and comedians I like and he does a good job keeping up with his commenters (sp?).
For blog numero dos I'll be looking at is Lick My Spoon. On LMS we have recipes and restaurent review based in New York City. On the page I linked to is a delicious recipe for a Wheat Berry Salad with Cranberries. Click that link and drool your heart out. Its a pretty basic recipe seeing as its just a salad but I did learn what wheat berries are. They're not actual berries but are kernels of wheat that are sort of like berries. Ha! Point is food blogs always make me hungry.
Lastly, I'll throw a curve ball with a blog that has nothing to do with food, Geekologie. Its a humor blog that focuses on the nerdiest things the internet has to offer, in this particular post it's Private Ninja Lessons. I really like the writing style of the Geekologie Writer (who always remains anonymous) because it's ridiculous and over the top. Just take a look at the Tags section of the blog to see how he goes nuts with tags. And obviously I'm always learning irreverent information to be used in geeky discussions from this site. I love it.
And those are the three blogs I have read today and what I learned from them. To recap, chili burgers are more burger than chili, wheat berries aren't real berries and Ninja Lessons will run you 90$ for an hour and a half. Thanks for reading.
For blog numero dos I'll be looking at is Lick My Spoon. On LMS we have recipes and restaurent review based in New York City. On the page I linked to is a delicious recipe for a Wheat Berry Salad with Cranberries. Click that link and drool your heart out. Its a pretty basic recipe seeing as its just a salad but I did learn what wheat berries are. They're not actual berries but are kernels of wheat that are sort of like berries. Ha! Point is food blogs always make me hungry.
Lastly, I'll throw a curve ball with a blog that has nothing to do with food, Geekologie. Its a humor blog that focuses on the nerdiest things the internet has to offer, in this particular post it's Private Ninja Lessons. I really like the writing style of the Geekologie Writer (who always remains anonymous) because it's ridiculous and over the top. Just take a look at the Tags section of the blog to see how he goes nuts with tags. And obviously I'm always learning irreverent information to be used in geeky discussions from this site. I love it.
And those are the three blogs I have read today and what I learned from them. To recap, chili burgers are more burger than chili, wheat berries aren't real berries and Ninja Lessons will run you 90$ for an hour and a half. Thanks for reading.
Kyle, I like your blog, and that recipe photo made me hungry.